Turfgrass Industry Needs Your Testimony

03 Mar 2018 3:26 PM | Ben Ellis (Administrator)

Dear Turfgrass Field Professionals,

We need you!  To educate legislators on durable grass fields and funding for grass fields​ - to tell them that GRASS CAN TAKE IT!

Please​ consider writing testimony and perhaps testifying in person March 7. Either way-  If you want Senator Manno’s office to make and deliver the required 30 copies for you please see instructions below and email the testimony to roger.manno@senate.state.md.us  no later than NOON on March 5th. Please also cc michelskm2016@gmail.com  shpfc.contact@gmail.com and  sheldon.fishman@gmail.com

(and just a warning- as soon as you talk about $50,000 per year or more for  maintenance they jump on it as "grass can’t take it"  because the high cost of grass maintenance vs quoted $10,000 for synturf which needs more maintenance to be safe but often doesn’t get that maintenance or testing 


WE NEED TO ADD GRASS and GRASS BUSINESS INFO to our message. Please recommend additional references and language)

Who will be resubmitting/ submitting written​ testimony by March 5 (see instructions below)​?

WE NEED to add more ​athletes, coaches, GRASS INDUSTRY/ BUSINESS EXPERTS and PARENTS who will be able to testify March 7 for the Senate Bill  1 pm

PLEASE WRITE and PLEASE INVITE OTHERS TO WRITE -In just ten minutes, you can make a HUGE difference to protect both children and the environment from hazardous materials on sports fields and playgrounds.
Please provide Testimony on:  SB0763:  "Use of Public Funds - Playground and Athletic Field Surfaces - Preferences and Prohibitions" 
On March 7th, at 1 PM.  SB 0763 will be presented in the Maryland State Senate.

“Establishing a preference for the use of state-of-the-art natural surface materials in any projects to construct playgrounds or athletic fields using public funds; prohibiting the use of State funds to finance any portion of a project to build a new, or replace an existing, playground or athletic field with a synthetic surface; and providing for the prospective application of the Act.”
Some background:
If you want to do some more research or want more information please see:
 Www.safehealthyplayingfields.org ; Www.ehhi.org;  Www.synturf.org

By the end of 2018 at least 100 million pounds of plastic and tire waste will have entered air water and landfills from disposal of synthetic turf fields. An equivalent amount of petroleum-based plastic will be used to create new fields. Children face unique risks from toxins, heat, hardness and abrasions playing on plastic fields (with any kind of infill) or playgrounds made from tires. Infection due to abrasions is one major risk). For a good overview about the health hazards see:  http://www.center4research.org/nchr-letter-dc-city-council-artificial-turf/. Here are some basic background documents:
 Instructions on how to submit your testimonial:

  1. ​​Modify the letter below (attached word document) as you wish but please keep all the header and information and include  your full address and contact information.  Try to include personal experience or concerns.
  1. Paste your letter into an email. and add the letter as an attachment to the email.
  2. Address the email (with attached/included letter) to Senator Manno roger.manno@senate.state.md.us  and CC: your state senator  (or at least give your full snail mail address so your district can be ascertained. You can look up your state senator using this link and typing in your address: http://mdelect.net)
  3. PLEASE CC: michelskm2016@gmail.com, shpfc.contact@gmail.com  and sheldon.fishman@gmail.com , the volunteers who will coordinate in Annapolis on March 7th. 
  4. Send!

Testimony Letter Format Click Here

The Maryland Turfgrass Council      P.O. Box 389, St. Michaels, MD 21663   Phone: (443) 742-6618       

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