Procrastinators Pesticide and Fertilizer Re-Certification

  • 14 Jun 2024
  • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Current MTC Member

  Procrastinators Pesticide and Fertilizer Re-Certification

Presented By: University of Maryland

June 14, 2024

Hosted on ZOOM

Introductory comments (8:00 – 8:10 AM)

Moderator- Dr Carroll

Aquatic Plant Management Strategies in Ponds (8:10-9:00 AM)

Dr Andrew Lazur, Water Quality Specialist University of Maryland Extension

This presentation will provide basic understanding of pond ecology and the relationship of

watershed nutrient/sediment inputs and impact on water quality and aquatic plant

populations. Pond types and characteristics (age, depth, flow) and impact on aquatic plant

management, aquatic plant types, benefits, and challenges, and control methods will be

discussed. An emphasis on plant management methods including herbicides and strategic

planting of beneficial plants to reduce nutrient source to unwanted will be discussed.

Disease Watch: Turfgrass Concerns in Landscaping (9:00 – 9:50 AM)

Dr Freshteh Shavoveisi, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland 

This presentation will focus on introducing fungal diseases commonly reported from home lawns and landscape turf. The first part is on proper methods to collect samples and send them to diagnostic labs; in case identification of diseases is not possible based on general assessment on site. The presentation will also cover signs and symptoms of diseases, which will assist in identifying diseases more accurately. Further, the talk will focus on proper integrated management practices to achieve optimum disease control.

Break (9:50-10:00) AM

Diagnosis of Common Maryland Landscape Diseases (10:00-  10:50 AM)

Dr David Clement, Plant Pathologist ,University of Maryland Extension

Many landscape ornamental diseases require early detection and accurate diagnosis for effective management.  This is critical since early management intervention avoids extensive plant damage. This presentation will cover the common diseases in Maryland landscapes along with key diagnostic symptoms coupled with Integrated Pest Management strategies.

Insect Pests of Turfgrass (10:50 – 11:40 AM)

Mr Geoffrey Rinehart, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture, University of Maryland

This presentation will cover the 5-7 most common insect pests of cool-season sports fields in Maryland and Delaware, including the white grub complex, chinch bugs, billbugs, cutworms, and sod webworm.  Integrated pest management (IPM) concepts that are pertinent to turgrass insect management with an emphasis on cultural controls and less-toxic/biorational approaches to insect management will be discussed. The presentation will cover life cycles of these insects and turfgrasses which are most susceptible to a given insect pest. In addition, symptoms one would expect to observe with the respective insects, drawing comparison and contrast among the species will be discussed.

Fertility Programs and Herbicide Options for Grass + Clover Lawns (11:40- 12:30 PM)

Dr Mark Carroll. Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland

The quest for lawns requiring fewer inputs has reawakened interest in grass+clover lawns. Common questions centered around such lawns include: What turfgrass species are best suited for use with clover?  How do recently established grass+ clover lawns perform in shaded environments? How much nitrogen fertilizer is needed for such lawns? and What herbicides can be use on grass+ clover lawns?  This presentation draws on recent research conducted in Maryland and other states across the country  to answer these questions.  

Take home summary of all presentations and webinar wrap up (12:30 -12-45 PM)

Moderator, Dr Carroll

The Maryland Turfgrass Council      P.O. Box 389, St. Michaels, MD 21663   Phone: (443) 742-6618       

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